Different types of Flat foot

Different types of Flat foot

Flat foot, also known as pes planus, is a condition where the arch of the foot collapses, causing the entire sole of the foot to come into contact with the ground. There are several types of flat foot, including:

  1. Flexible flat foot: This is the most common type of flat foot and is usually painless. It occurs when the arch of the foot appears normal when the person is sitting or standing on their toes, but collapses when they stand normally.

  2. Rigid flat foot: This type of flat foot is less common but more severe. It occurs when the arch of the foot is permanently flattened, even when the person is standing on their toes.

  3. Congenital flat foot: This is a rare type of flat foot that is present at birth. It can be caused by abnormal bone development in the foot or a genetic predisposition.

  4. Acquired flat foot: This type of flat foot develops over time, usually due to injury or illness. For example, it can occur as a result of tendon damage, arthritis, or nerve damage.

  5. Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: This is a type of flat foot that occurs when the posterior tibial tendon, which runs along the inside of the ankle and supports the arch of the foot, becomes damaged or inflamed. This can cause the arch to collapse, leading to flat foot.

                              Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Treatment - James Hogg Podiatry

It is important to note that not all cases of flat foot require treatment. However, if flat foot is causing pain or other symptoms, treatment options may include supportive shoes, orthotics, physical therapy, or in severe cases, surgery. A healthcare professional can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan for each individual case.

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