India has an estimated 77 million people with diabetes, and it causes two major problems that are nerve damage and poor blood circulation which affects our feet. Because of nerve damage, you may not feel any pain, cut, or sore on your foot which leads to significant injury or infection, and also poor blood circulation prevents sores and infection from healing. So these problems make it easy to get ulcers and infections that may lead to amputation.
Wearing well-fitting slippers and socks to protect your foot is very important. A proper fitting shoe can reduce foot problems and amputations by as much as 85%.
How to choose footwear for diabetic people?

Avoid shoes with pointed toes. Choose the shoes with a wide-toe box. So it will be more spacious and protect your foot from calluses and blisters.
The insoles with extra cushioning make you feel comfortable with your footwear. Before you buy a shoe take out the insole and step on it. The perfect insole should fit with your feet. If your foot is bigger than the insole please don’t buy it. Look for another.
The size of the footwear is very important. Buy the footwear at the end of the day. Usually, at the end of the day, your foot will be swollen. So if you buy footwear in the morning it will be tight at the end of the day.
Avoid High heels because they give more pressure on the ball of your foot. If you have nerve damage you will not realize the sore or calluses in that area.
Avoid flats because they will not distribute the pressure evenly.
Do not buy any fancy, strappy and open toe shoes. The straps may put pressure on certain points of your feet, which can easily cause blisters. So choose laced shoe for better support.
Choose the footwear with heel cups is preferable. So that it will protect your foot and keep the foot straight when you walk.